Eco Church

Eco Church is an environmental initiative by the Christian charity, A Rocha UK, who are dedicated to living out God’s call to care for creation and equip others to do likewise. 

There are five Eco Church areas, making it easier to assess how well we are caring for God’s creation.

By registering with Eco Church and completing their questionnaire you can easily see how sustainable your church is currently. You can then discover how to improve these areas and gain Eco Church accreditation and a bronze, silver or gold award. To register visit the Eco Church website.

The 5 areas



Worship and teaching

Here are 6 quick wins to embed creation care in your worship and teaching.



Here are 6 quick wins to make your building more environmently friendly.



Here are 6 quick wins to make your land more biodiverse.


Community and global

Here are 6 quick wins on how you can engage your congregation and local community with environmental issues. 



Here are 6 quick wins concerning how you and your congregation can forge a positive impact on the environment. 


Eco church for children and families

Here are some helpful resources that you can use at home or in church to engage children with the environment. 

Who to contact 

If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact our Environment team.

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