Breakdown of emissions across our diocese

The figures below are based on estimations from the Church of England from the data our churches share using the Energy Footprint Tool. The greater the number of churches who complete their return, which is easy and straightforward to complete, the greater the accuracy of our reporting and the more tailored the support the environment team can offer to parishes.



Our schools account for an estimated 42% of our carbon emissions per annum.


Church buildings

Our church buildings account for an estimated 33.6% of our carbon emissions per annum.



Our housing accounts for an estimated 21% of our carbon emissions per annum.


Other buildings

Our other buildings account for an estimated 3% of our carbon emissions per annum.



Our travel accounts for an estimated 0.4% of our carbon emissions per annum.


What can I do to reduce carbon emissions?

Use our reduce carbon emissions tool to see how you can make a difference.

So far:



Solar panels

Over half of our clergy housing and 15 of our churches have solar panels.


Heat pumps

Five of our churches have air source heat pumps 


CO2 reduction

Last year, tens of church buildings reduced their carbon emissions.

Who to contact 

If you have any questions regarding the information above, please contact our Environment team.

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