Church Money Matters: Inspiring a generous church - A training day for clergy
10:00 to 16:00 on 26 February at Flourish House
Bishop Michael and the Giving and Funding Team are looking forward to welcoming clergy to the Money Matters - Generous Church training day on Wednesday 26th February at Flourish House.
The event, which will open with worship and a welcome from Bishop Michael, will provide space to reflect on the fundraising challenges within our churches and, drawing upon experience from across Bath and Wells, explore together some of the ways in which their future sustainability can be secured.
Whilst talking about money can be one of the least attractive parts of our call to ministry, 16 of Jesus’ 38 parables are about money and possessions, and there are more bible verses on money, wealth and possessions (2,450) than anything apart from love. As disciples, our ability to model something of God’s generous nature and inspire generous giving in others is critical to the future of the church. Whilst it may be one of our greatest challenges, it is also one of our greatest opportunities for growth and a deeper connection with our communities.
Throughout the day, the Giving and Funding Team will share practical tools and resources designed to help parishes encourage generous giving from congregations and the wider community, as well as understand more fully what the role of the clergy is – and, importantly, is not.
As we seek to value and cherish the gifts we have already received, as individuals and as churches, we will explore how these may be used to foster a more generous giving culture, that changes the narrative from ‘passing around the begging bowl’ to engaging in and enabling God’s mission.
We are also thrilled to welcome Jenny Hollingsworth, our Diocesan Secretary, who will join us as we seek to co-design with parishes a Budget Consultation exercise that will take place later this year.
This is an excellent opportunity for mutual learning, fellowship, and development, and we strongly encourage clergy to attend for what we hope will be a faithful, thoughtful, and inspiring day for all involved.
Book to attend.
More to come! ...
Look out on this page and our new Money Matters mailing in Connect and other mailings for future webinars on more topics form the Giving and Funding team. If you have any further questions email the
PGS in Bath and Wells
Want to know more about the Parish Giving Scheme right now? Vist our PGS page.