Parish links

Bath and Wells has enjoyed a Companion Link with the Anglican Church in Zambia since 1978. Praying for each other, learning from each other, challenging each other, and meeting each other; exchange visits, parish links and personal contact have strengthened the chain of prayer and fellowship.

A parish link is a wonderful way for your community to build a relationship with a Zambian parish based on mutual support, prayer, sharing in the Gospel and fellowship. The focus is very much on friendship rather than charity and there are many ways in which to grow this partnership, such as:

  • Prayer during services
  • Sending church magazines
  • Establishing a webpage or Facebook page for keeping all involved up to date on activities in both countries 
  • Joint projects in each of your respective countries/towns/churches

Link stories

Bath and Wells has over 50 parishes with links in Zambia. Scroll down to read some of their stories. If you have a link story to tell do let us know. 

Who to contact

Annabel Capel, Zambia Programme Coordinator


Setting up a Zambia link

Hosting visitors from overseas

Banwell and Chililabombwe

The Banwell and Chililabombwe link recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by holding a Music Marathon. Find out what that involved.

Chew Magna and Kwacha

Jenny Biggs reports on St Andrew's Chew Magna link with St Mary and St John Kwacha

East Coker and Twapia

East Coker link co-ordinator Jacqueline Clough was one of the party who visited Zambia as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations in 2018. Find out what has happened since then.

Evercreech and Mufilira

Link coordinator for Evercreech, Anne Sear, shares an update on their link with Mufilira.

Keynsham and Chipata South

When Sophie and Izzy of St John's, Keynsham realised that not all children in Zambia went to school they decided to do something about it.

Somerton and Chibondo

Update from Somerton and Chibondo link co-ordinators.

Southstoke, Bath and Katete

Alison Holbrook shares the story of the link between St. James the Great, Southstoke, Bath and St Francis Hospital, Katete, Eastern

Wellington and District Team Ministry and Mwenda

Link coordinator, June Best, gives some background on their link with Mwenda, Luapula Diocese.

Wookey and Katete

Karen Butt, St Matthew's Church, Wookey reports on their link with St Francis Hospital in Katete in the Eastern Diocese.

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