Bath Abbey welcomes Archbishop Albert Chama

Bath Abbey was delighted to welcome Archbishop Albert Chama on Sunday 24th July

The Abbey's link is with St Michael and All Angels in Kitwe, which is Archbishop Albert's cathedral as Bishop of Northern Zambia.

Also attending both the Parish Communion and the Sung Eucharist services was The Rt Revd Murray Harvey, Bishop of Grafton in New South Wales. Bishop Murray was there because his diocese has no companion link in the UK, and he was staying pre-Lambeth Conference with the Revd Ken Madden. And Revd Madden's late father-in-law was a previous Bishop of Grafton, which was a lovely coincidence.

The Revd Canon Nigel Rawlinson (Chaplain to the University of Bath) presided and Jeremy Key-Pugh (Reader) preached and interviewed both bishops, in the course of which both revealed links with our Bishop-elect, Bishop Michael - each of them works with him in Anglican Communion task groups.

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