In 2017 the Diocese of Bath and Wells was been awarded £1.6m by the Church of England Commissioners to deliver an innovative project that will create nine new pioneer posts to catalyse pioneering activity across Somerset and embed a culture of innovation and pioneering.
The nine pioneer posts were phased in over four years, 2018-2021. The first of these 5 year posts will come to an end in autumn 2023.
The purpose of the new posts is to reach out to areas and communities where the church has little impact. The pioneers focus on areas of deprivation, new communities and work with young people. They are open to God’s missional imagination as they seek to establish new and sustainable worshipping communities and to act as catalysts of further pioneering activity. Alongside this, the diocese seek to identify, train, and support emerging ‘grass roots pioneers’. These will be voluntary, unpaid pioneers who have a vocation to mission in their local context.
The grant is matched by a financial commitment of £1.5m from the Diocesan Board of Finance.
Download the detailed plan for the Pioneer Project 2018-2025 below, along with our Called to be a Pioneer leaflets.
Who to contact
Richard Priestley New Christian Communities Development Lead