Readers' Handbook
The Readers' Handbook offers important guidance for all Readers. You can download it below. Please consult the Readers' Handbook as first port of call if you have any questions. After that, the Archdeaconry Wardens, the Warden of Readers and the Readers' Council can offer help with questions and pastoral support.
Extended Communion guidelines
As part of the Reader role you are licenced to take communion to the sick, housebound and those in care homes. For church-based communion services, there are guidelines available for clergy, Readers and parochial church councils on the provision for Extended Communion within corporate worship. In exceptional circumstances, the Bishop will give permission for the administration of the act of Holy Communion without a priest present. Please, therefore, read the Extended Communion guidelines below. If you have any questions or wish to exercise this ministry please contact the Bishop’s Chaplain.
Recommended links
The following links have been recommended. Please let us know any of any others.
- Central Readers’ Council — Supporting Lay Ministry in the Church of England and Church in Wales
- Diocesan worship resources hub
- Diocesan pastoral care resources hub
- Diocesan lay training links
Readers' Handbook - October 2024