Parish Dashboards

Parish Dashboards

Parish Dashboards are produced by the Church of England Research and Statistics Unit using the information submitted by the parish to the online Parish Returns system. It does not reflect everything a church does, but the information can help inform the decisions that churches make about their mission and ministry.

Should you wish to get hold of a copy of your most recent Parish Dashboard, please contact Sue Whitehead

Other data

  • As well as the Parish Returns Dashboards, the Church of England provides extensive data, down to parish level, which can be found on their web page - Data Services | The Church of England
  • The Church Urban Fund has a Look Up tool that gives comparative information on deprivation indicies for each parish - Look Up Tool - CUF
Data is useful but not the whole story. It can be a starting point for prayer, discussion and action, particularly if you are thinking about exploring where your focus for missional action might be. It can help you to create a picture of where you are now and what your community is like.

Who to contact

Julia Hill, Head of Deanery and Parish Support

Area Deans

Assistant Area Deans

Lay Deans

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