
We know being a treasurer is a big job and want to make it as easy as possible for you to access the help you need.

Here you’ll find information, guidance and resources for all those involved in the finances and running of our parishes. As a starting point, you may wish to download the Treasurers' Task Breakdown below. It lists tasks to be done weekly, regularly or at certain times of the year.

Follow the menu to the right hand side for everything from the Treasurer Handbook and information about how parish share is calculated, to the table of parochial fees. 

Help at hand

Please do not feel alone in your role, there is help available. The diocesan finance team are here to help and while the majority of queries can easily be dealt with over the phone sometimes talking through things face-to-face can help so do arrange a visit if you prefer. In addition to the finance team, you can also get support from:


Who to contact

Matthew Pinnock, Head of Finance and Operations

Debbie Smith, Finance Manager


Breakdown of Treasurers tasks



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