A daily act of collective worship is statutory in all schools, and must be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’.
We hope our Church schools will offer worship that is distinctively Christian and that reflects their ethos and values. In this special time of the day children have the opportunity to learn and to experience what it means to worship.
Worship will vary from school to school, from parish to parish and from time to time but will have at its core an aspiration to give space for the spiritual development of all who attend.
Worship will also draw upon and strengthen links with local churches and celebrate with them the major festivals in the Christian calendar.
We are glad to give support to all schools and academies in any aspect of planning, leading and evaluating worship. Our CPD page gives details of training courses, staff meeting and INSET opportunities.
The Church of England’s Worship Workshop website helps with planning and provides a wealth of resources. they also offer Faith at Home as a weekly resource for parents, church leaders and school leaders.
The Diocese of Canterbury has an extensive list of useful resources on the Collective Worship Resources on their website.
We have a series of Collective worship video resources. Bishop Ruth starts our third series of collective worship videos for schools. The theme is Christian values and uses the new Bible Chat Mats to enhance understanding.
Church of England Education Office - Collective Worship Guidance
Collective worship - model policy
Guidance for governors on RE, Collective Worship and SMSC
Monitoring the Impact of Collective Worship
Guests Leading Collective Worship in schools
Collective Worship Planning Grid using the GERS model
Children Leading Collective Worship in schools
Collective Worship – legal framework
The Eucharist in Schools – Guidance from Bath and Wells Diocese Education Team
Planning meaningful Collective Worship
Everyday Questions Collective Worship
Prayer Ideas
The Lord's Prayer videos
Lighting the Candle Collective Worship Truro Diocese
St Bartholomew's Church of England First School - Reflection areas in classrooms
Who to contact
Louise Jenkins: Lead Education Adviser
Paul Marvin: Education Adviser