
This section offers resources for embedding spiritual practices in school life, encouraging self-awareness and personal growth.

"Spirituality is like a bird. If you hold it too closely, it chokes. And if you hold it too loosely, it escapes." – Israel Salanter Lipkin

Promoting spiritual development is essential for all schools in England as part of a well-rounded curriculum. Church of England schools approach this with integrity, balancing their Christian foundation with the inclusivity and diversity of their communities of children, staff, and families.

The 2023 SIAMS inspection framework asks schools, "How is spiritual development an intrinsic part of the curriculum?" This aligns with the Church of England’s Vision for Education, which centres on education for human flourishing, inspired by Jesus’ words: “I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

 Spirituality resources

This section offers resources for embedding spiritual practices in school life, encouraging self-awareness and personal growth.


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