Admissions & Enrolment

The responsibility for setting admissions arrangements depends on the type of school. Here’s a quick overview:

Type of School

Admissions Authority

Handles Complaints

Manages Appeals

Academies Academy Trust Schools Adjudicator Academy Trust
Foundation Schools Governing Body Schools Adjudicator Governing Body
Voluntary Aided Schools Governing Body Schools Adjudicator Governing Body
Voluntary Controlled Schools Local Authority Schools Adjudicator Local Authority
Community Schools Local Authority Schools Adjudicator Local Authority
Responsibilities of Admissions Authorities

Admissions authorities are required by law to set, consult on, and determine their admissions arrangements. These arrangements must follow the Department for Education’s School Admissions Code 2021.

  • Annual Approval: Admissions authorities must formally agree on their arrangements for the upcoming academic year at a Governing Body or Academy Trust Board meeting, which must take place before 28 February.
  • Consultation Process: If any changes to admissions policy or practice are proposed, a public consultation is required. This consultation must last at least six weeks and take place between 1 October and 31 January.
  • No Changes: If no changes are made, the Governing Body or Academy Trust only needs to formally record this decision.
  • Seven-Year Review: Even if no changes are made, admissions arrangements must go to public consultation every seven years.
  • Publication: Admissions arrangements must be published on the school website and shared with the local authority by 15 March each year.
The Role of the Diocese

The diocese reviews any proposed changes to admissions arrangements to provide feedback, particularly concerning faith-based admissions criteria. Admissions authorities should send any proposed changes to the diocese by 31 October before the public consultation.

While the diocese can provide guidance, it does not check for compliance. We can, however, direct schools to resources for compliance support if needed.

Key Dates and Deadlines
Action Deadline
Consultation Window 1 October - 31 January
Consult with Diocese Prior to Public Consultation 31 October
Formally Determine Admissions Arrangements 28 February
Publish on School Website 15 March
Send to Local Authority 15 March
Deadline for Local Authority to Publicize 15 March
Deadline for Objections to Schools Adjudicator 15 May


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