Clergy vacancies

In this section you will find all clergy vacancies currently being advertised.

The Diocese of Bath and Wells is committed to equal opportunities and recognises its need to develop in diversity. We therefore welcome applications from the full range of those underrepresented amongst us. Might God be calling you to apply?

Vicar St Luke's Church, Bath

St Luke’s, a church in the evangelical tradition, just south of the centre of Bath, wants to welcome and serve all people.

Pioneering Vicar, St Barnabas, Bath

We are seeking someone who is enthusiastic about pioneering ministry, would you enjoy leading our growth, and inspiring the next generation.

Priest in Charge

Christ Church in Bath is seeking a Priest in Charge (Sunday and up to 3 days)

Priest in Charge (Vicar Designate)

United Benefice of Yatton with Kenn and Kingston Seymour, Cleeve with Claverham

Rector - Alfred Jewel Benefice

We are seeking a Rector for our 5 parishes in the Alfred Jewel Benefice.

Rector - Bishops Lydeard Benefice

We are seeking a Rector for this benefice which lies on the edge of the Quantock hills.

Rector Benefice of Backwell with Chelvey and Brockley

We are looking for an energetic, outward-looking, people person who is passionate about helping us to extend the Kingdom of God in our villages.

Rector of the Benefice of Wiveliscombe and the Hills

The parish of Wiveliscombe and six rural parishes on the edge of Exmoor in West Somerset is seeking a Rector

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