Diocesan staff

In this section you will find details of vacancies for any diocesan staff roles.

Should you wish to apply for any of these diocesan positions you will need to complete the application form and equal opportunities monitoring form which are available to download below.

All completed forms should be emailed to recruitment@bathwells.anglican.org to meet the deadline for the advertised position.


Application form

Equal opportunities monitoring form

Audit and Risk Management Group members

The Diocese of Bath and Wells Audit and Risk Management Group is seeking new volunteer members

Chaplaincy Adviser

We are seeking a part-time Chaplaincy Adviser

Deanery Environment Champions

A volunteer role to inspire, support and signpost parishes in committing to act for Creation Care and Net Zero Carbon.

Lead Chaplain to Hinkley Point C

Hinkley Point C, the largest construction site in the UK, is seeking a new Lead Chaplain to join chaplaincy team.

Mission Team Leader

We are seeking a part-time Mission Team Leader.

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