The Equipping for Ministry programme of events for the current academic year has been designed to to enable clergy, Readers and lay leaders to develop their gifts and talents in the service of God.
- Clergy
- Readers
- Lay leaders
- Chaplaincy
Download our programme of events beginning February 2025 or go to the online event calendar and select training from the drop down menu.
Most Equipping for Minsitry events are open to all clergy, Readers and lay leaders. However, there are some days with a specific target audience. These are labelled in both the brochure and on the online events calendar to identify any specific audience.
Please do make the most of everything we offer.
How to book
Register for Equipping for Ministry events using our online form
Registration for individual events on the the event calendar or within the programme.
Who to contact
Any queries can be directed to Sophie Moore, Resources and Programme Support.