
Information here aims to support curates, training incumbents, assistant IME officers and supporting parishes to ensure the recently ordained gain the experience necessary to equip curates to become confident church leaders, enabling the ministry of others.

Curacy is made up of the following

  • A healthy and effective working relationship between TI and Curate. 
  • An Assistant IME Officer who is equipped to guide the process of reflection and assessment as well as offering pastoral support to both TI and Curate.
  • Accountability to the national church as we administer an appropriate assessment process ensuring ministers are not only competent in the skills needed for their role but also have developed a rule of life that helps them maintain a healthy balance to enable them to flourish as leaders called and loved by God. 
  • Provision of a well-balanced development program in response to the national curriculum, that builds on what has already been learnt through initial training, embraces previous experience and encourages a culture of life-long learning. 
  • Creating opportunities within the IME provision that cultivate supportive networks within the IME community and especially between the curates and readers participating in IME Phase 2. Such networks are likely to continue beyond this stage of formation. 

Each curate is required by the bishop to take part in this programme of learning in their first three years of post-ordination ministry. The content is designed specifically for this important stage of ministry, with the chance to share experience together.

The handbook for curacy, templates for assessment, and templates for travel claims are available to download following the link below. The handbook is revised each year with the current year’s programme for all cohorts and is circulated to all those engaged in curacy in June. 
Curates, TIs and AIMEOs are also sent a regular newsletter with updated information by email.

If you are of UKME (UK Minority Ethnic) heritage you may also like to connect with our UKME Champion, Revd Narinder Tegally. The Diocese of Bath and Wells seeks to provide encouragement and support to all those who want to explore lay and ordained vocation but who may feel they have not been well represented in the Church of England in the past. This includes, amongst others, those of United Kingdom Minority Ethnic (UKME)/Global Majority Heritage (GMH). 

Who to contact

Ronnie Crossman, Ministry Training & Support Team Leader

Charmain Gilmour, Administrator for IME Phase 2


Handbook for curates and training incumbents 2024-25

IME2 Development Days booklet 2024-25

Template Booklet for IME Phase 2 2024-25

Travel claim form for IME2 Training Days Travel

Travel claim for parish boundary payments

Travel claim for parish boundary payments - non-car travel

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