Bishop leads pop-up Ashing Service in Wells

In the hustle of modern life and challenges of daily responsibilities, people frequently find it difficult to find time for a moment of reflection and connection with God. On Ash Wednesday Bishop Michael took the Ashing Service outside into the marketplace in Wells to offer Lenten ashes to the locals and visitors to the city.

People had the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross with ashes, on their forehead, their hand or a printed card which they could take away with them. Bishop Michael said, "For many of us Ash Wednesday is a long way away from our everyday lives and yet it's a symbol that somehow just seems to connect with many, many people. We've seen that in the marketplace here today in Wells, people have stopped, listened, come forward to receive ashes. It's been extraordinary to see the response that's taken place. It's been a wonderful way to mark the beginning of Lent."

Ash Wednesday, which marks the first day of Lent, is the time Christians receive a sign of the cross with ashes made from palm crosses. The forty days of Lent recall the temptation of Christ in the wilderness.From Ash Wednesday until Easter people will reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. 

 Those who joined Bishop Michael in the Market Square in Wells, shared their delight at being able to celebrate outside together.

"We're here today to bear witness to Christ . Being in public, we can see people are curious and they're wondering what it's all about. I think it's important that we should bear witness to Christ." "It's the most significant Ash Wednesday I think I've ever been to. It's just amazing to see people respond to it as well to respond to that witness in in the market community. Wonderful!" 

13th February 2024
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