A celebration for everyone!

On Saturday 2 July at Wells Cathedral there will be a Celebration of Lay Ministries in Bath and Wells. It is a wonderful opportunity to recognise, affirm, encourage and thank, people for all they generously give. Jill Perrett is Developing Ministries Adviser for Bath and Wells she tells us a little more about it.

What is the Celebration of Lay Ministries?

It’s a celebration! An annual diocesan event where we celebrate all the gifts and talents which people share in their communities and churches and the way in which this show’s God’s love and continues Christ’s ministry and mission, through the power of the Holy Spirit, today.

Bishop Ruth will join us for the service and give her blessing and thanks for all who are involved in the diversity of lay ministries. We hear people’s stories of their calling and ministries and recognise those who have attended courses. We discover the rich tapestry of opportunities for lay people to be involved in the life of the Church and in connecting with community. And of course, there is cake!

Is it just for those who have completed a training course or who have a ministry?

It’s not just for those who have completed a training course it’s for everyone.

We hope that clergy and lay, families and friends, church and community will come along to share in the celebration. It’s an opportunity to find out what’s been happening in the diocese, the courses that are available and see the variety of different ministries which are on offer.  

Who will be taking part in the service?

God calls us all and the service recognises this through Scripture, prayer, words, music, dance, testimonies, and art. In the Service this year we have different styles of music and worship from traditional hymns on the organ, to Taizé a youth worship band from Locking Castle. We are also delighted that there will be a dance performed by the WSM dance worship group. 

There will be Bible Readings threaded throughout the Service and a chance to hear four different testimonies. And we are all invited to join in creating a meadow of hope.  

Will there be an opportunity to hear about some of the ministries we are celebrating?

This year we have spotlighted Exploring Spirituality, the work of Street Pastors, Exploring Faith and calling. In the Service there will be four testimonies where people share their calling; we will hear from a Street Pastor, someone who has completed a course on spirituality, and someone on the new Exploring Faith course, we will also hear from someone about their calling and how their calling has changed over the years.

There will also be an opportunity to chat with people who are hosting a stalls on the ministries and opportunities that are available, and they will have information for people to take away with them. 

I understand you are creating a meadow of hope 

The meadow of hope is a symbolic recognition that we all have different gifts and talents to offer and to share. It will be a representation of the diversity of different ministries and that together we create hope for all. 

Can we come as a church or community group to celebrate together?

You can come as a group, bring family and friends, or come on your own… everyone is welcome! It’s for clergy and lay, for those who have a ministry already or want to find out what is possible, or are just simply curious… it’s for everyone!

Book your place now or contact Leonie Jones for more information.

Find out more about lay ministries in the diocese and lay training courses.


13th May 2022
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