A joyous day as 86 people are confirmed

86 people of all ages, from all parts of the diocese were confirmed at Wells Cathedral this weekend. The Cathedral was filled with all those who have supported them on their journey; family, friends, and members of their church community, many of whom made a long journey to Wells to be with there for the special day. Welcoming those being confirmed Bishop Michael, Bishop Ruth and Bishop Christopher said, “We feel very honoured that so many people from so many parishes and schools have decided they want to be here today to make this very public confession of Christian faith.”

Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made on their behalf when they were baptised. In choosing to be confirmed as a young person or adult an individual makes these promises for themselves. Bishop Ruth spoke of that commitment in her sermon, she said, “God loves you. He has called you by name and made you His own – that’s a call of love. He came to live amongst us, and He died for us, because He loves us. That means that if you are going to take the step of following Christ then the call is to live up to your name, to take on the likeness of Christ.” 

As the bishops laid their hands on the heads of those being confirmed they asked God’s Holy Spirit to give each person the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of their lives.

Joy filled the Cathedral Green as those who had been confirmed stepped outside, followed by all those who have supported them. Bishop Michael summed up the excitement of the occasion, “What an amazing afternoon. It has been such a privilege to be with so many different people, each with their own story, each taking their unique step of faith and looking forward to the future together. We are all on an amazing high as a result of it.”

This was also the last service in Bath and Wells for Bishop Ruth as she leaves to take up her secondment as Acting Bishop of Coventry. Everyone gathered in the Cathedral gave her a round of applause and prayed for her as she sets off for Coventry to take up her new role.


9th November 2023
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