In Timsbury special carols are being held for special needs children and their families. The event which takes place at St Mary’s Church at 3pm on Sunday 12 December, has been organised by Revd Julian Davies who is himself a father of a son with autism and severe learning difficulties. Julian wanted to create a space where children with special needs and their families can enjoy a traditional carol service alongside others with similar conditions.
Julian said, “Families with special needs children can feel very isolated. Cinemas often have autism friendly screenings, and the big theatres put on ‘relaxed’ performances in the pantomime season for the disabled. As a family we wouldn’t have gone to a pantomime were it not for these special performances.
“I know it can be difficult taking a child with special needs to such a service as other families often don’t understand the behaviour of the child with special needs. This way the carol service will be a safe space where children, and their families don’t have to worry about their child’s behaviour. This way I am hoping to give them a space where they feel welcome and comfortable among people in a similar situation.
Julian has already spoken with some families who have expressed their delight at the idea and have said they will be pleased to come along the special carol service.