'Called to be all sorts of things' hundreds mark the end of #God Calls

God Calls screen shot of attendees

“We are called to be all sorts of things but God is much less bothered about the role we have: the key is that whatever we do we do it in the name of the Lord Jesus,” said Archdeacon Adrian in the first of three Zoom gatherings today (12 February) to celebrate the week of ‘God calls… everyone, everywhere.’

Hundreds of people from across the diocese joined the Called Together Zoom gatherings.  They reflected on the week, during which they had heard from a range of people across Bath and Wells who shared their experience of God’s call.  Every day there was a new video to watch and an ideas sheet to use, and many people shared their thoughts on our Responding to Calling Wall. People were also able to listen to the Calling Podcast.

In their discussions at the gatherings some people reflected on the value of hearing the different stories of calling. One group fed back, “What we got the most from this week was hearing about other people’s stories. There was something in there for everyone. There was always something to relate to.”

There were also discussions around the word ‘calling’, with one contributor describing it as “A God prod!” and reflecting that “God never calls you to do something he doesn’t know you can do."

Bishop Ruth, who attended all of the sessions and took part in the group discussions in each, shared this Tweet of some of the reflections she heard:

There is a follow up event in each of our archdeaconries to explore calling:

  • Saturday 26th March - 10am to 12noon at Holy Trinity Church & Community Centre, Lysander Road, Yeovil, BA20 2BU
  • Saturday 9th April - 2pm to 4pm at St Michael's Church Galmington, Pitts Close, Taunton, TA1 4TP
  • Sunday 15th May (Vocation Sunday) - 2pm to 4pm at Christchurch, Chapel Hill, Clevedon, BS21 7LL

Register for more information about the Exploring Calling Events

Watch some of the highlights from the week:

Catch up with some of the Tweets about #GodCalls in our Twitter moment.

12th February 2022
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