An action-packed weekend for young people from clergy families

18th September 2024

Life to the Max, the weekend away for young people from clergy families, was back for its’ twenty-first year last weekend and saw 28 young people from across the two dioceses of Bristol and Bath and Wells come together for a fun-filled weekend. 

Based at Mendip Activity Centre at Churchill, the group took part in a wide variety of activities offered by the centre. Alongside this there was plenty of time to relax, be themselves and make new friends.
The weekend began on Friday night with food followed by the chance to get to know one another and a night walk under an impressive display of moon and stars.  

After a hearty breakfast, Saturday included rifle shooting, frisbee golf, rock climbing and archery active: a team game with bows and foam-tipped arrows. In the evening around the campfire, the group reflected together on the joys and challenges of ‘living in a vicarage’, a conversation led by Go Team Adviser, Cesca Priestley, who herself was once a young person at Life to the Max having grown up with clergy parents. 

Cesca commented, “I remember finding Life to the Max incredibly fun and valuable as a young person, so it was a real joy to chat with the group about everything that comes with growing up in a clergy household. I was struck by the grace of all of the young people this weekend.”

On the Sunday morning, the group headed to the tobogganing slope for some more high energy fun, bringing to a close another special weekend.  

Life to the Max is subsidised for clergy families with funding from the Clergy Support Trust. For more information about Life to the Max do contact a member of the Go Team. 

Finally, the last word goes to the young people themselves.

“The tobogganing was so much fun, going down the slope really fast. I’ll probably come back next year because it’s a nice community and we do fun things.”  Jemima  
“I really enjoyed meeting other vicar’s kids and just talking about what the struggles and the upsides are.”  Eli
“It brings some positivity to it all... it’s quite a calming cool down and that’s why I enjoy it.”  Seb
“I keep coming back because it’s such a supportive environment and it’s nice to see other people in this unique position.”  Grace

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