Bishop Michael receives a warm welcome from schools in the diocese

27th September 2024

A new nursery class in North Curry was officially opened in a special ceremony by Bishop Michael. Little Herons Nursery, based in North Curry C of E Primary School, has recently undergone a £100K investment to renovate its indoor and outdoor spaces and is now open all year round. It will also soon be open to babies from six months.

Bishop Michael, had a tour of the school and nursery, met children and teachers, and then gave a warm speech to celebrate the official launch of Little Herons Nursery, followed by a prayer and a blessing.

Bishop Michael, who was joined for the opening by Revd Simon Bale, Vicar of the Athelney Benefice,  Mary Piers, North Curry Churchwarden and Verger and the Go Team's Andy Levett said, “This is an extraordinary achievement to have such a wonderful space and opportunity for the nursery provision here at this school.” Speaking of his previous career, and some advice he was once given, he added: “If you had a pound to spend anywhere, the best value for your pound you could ever get would be to spend it on early childhood provision”.

Helen Morley, Head Teacher at North Curry C of E Primary School said “It was a great privilege to have Bishop Michael open our new nursery. We are very proud of our school and nursery, and it was lovely to be able to give him a tour and meet the children.”

Little Herons Nursery forms part of the Richard Huish Trust, and is overseen by Director of Nurseries, Heidi Screech. Heidi added “It is so important to invest in our Early Years provision. Little Herons Nursery is a fantastic setting in rural North Curry, and we are delighted to be able to offer all-year-round childcare to the local and wider community.”

Earlier in the week Bishop Michael visited Pryland School in Taunton where he received a warm welcome from staff and students. Bishop Michael and the Go Team's Andy Levett, met wiht CEO John Abbott, Headteacher Lisa Webber and School Chaplain Alison Vercoe to discuss the progress the school is making.  The Bishop had a tour of the school followed by lunch with a group of students, foundation governor Marcus Paul and Head of RE Josh Rudd. 

Alison Vercoe School Chaplain, said, "We were proud to show him our school and hope the Bishop has gained some valuable insight into the life and Christian ethos at Pyrland School."

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