Bishop Michael has sent a message to the diocese with the details of Bishop Ruth’s farewell service. Bishop Ruth’s last service in Bath and Wells will be the Chrism Eucharist on the Tuesday of Holy Week, at which she will preach.
Bishop Michael says, “I know from my visits around our diocese just how much Bishop Ruth’s ministry has been appreciated across our diocese. People speak to me with great affection about her great gift for pastoral care and for the love and the joy she has shared with so many.
“I am sure that many of you will want to join with me as we ensure that Ruth receives a truly fitting, grateful and loving farewell from us here in Bath and Wells as we plan to send her off with all our love, hope and blessings for all that is to come.”
- Register your attendance - anyone planning to attend the service has been asked to register their attendance to ensure that everyone will be well catered for.
- Download and read Bishop Michael’s invitation letter - which includes details of how you can contribute to a gift for Bishop Ruth, should you wish.
- Post a farewell message - messages can be added to an online noticeboard or sent to the Bishop’s Office at the Bishop’s Palace, Wells, BA5 2PD.
- Listen to Bishop Ruth’s farewell interview with BBC Radio Somerset - the interview takes place at 8:08, 2 hrs and 8 mins into the programme.