Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III in Bath and Wells

Photo: Alexi Lubomirski

Across the country worshipping communities will be marking the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort. Right across the diocese of Bath and Wells all kinds of events and activities are planned, here are some of those taking place.

Sunday 30 April

St Andrew’s, Minehead are holding a ‘Sing for the King’ Service

Friday 5 May 

A Royal Celebration Concert at Bath Abbey. 

Saturday 6 May

The Coronation will be broadcast live in Bath Abbey at 11am. The bells will be rung 9am-10am on Coronation Day, and a quarter peal will be attempted before Choral Evensong on Sunday 7 May.

A celebratory service of Choral Matins will be held in Wells Cathedral at 9.30 am.

There will be a live streaming of the Coronation at the Jubilee Hall in Batcome.

St Andrew’s, Minehead are hosting a BYO picnic followed by a party with games, a raffle and prizes for the best dressed ‘guest’.

St Mary’s, Limington are planning a celebratory cream tea on the aptly named Monarch’s Way path. After the cream tea, during which they’ll be able to raise a toast with a commemorative mug, there will be a Coronation Praise Service in the church.

Sunday 7 May 

Wells Cathedral Special Coronation Celebration Service will be at 10.30am. The service will feature an address given by Jonathan Dimbleby, a journalist, writer, and broadcaster who has known King Charles III for more than thirty years.

All the services in Bath Abbey on Sunday 7 May will have a Coronation theme. There will be a special Coronation Choral Evensong at the 3.30pm service. The 11.30am Sung Eucharist and the 3.30pm Choral Evensong will be livestreamed if you wish to join online.

A civic service and town procession will take place in Glastonbury at 11am. Pupils from Wells Cathedral School will be re-enacting the first coronation with King Edgar and St Dunstain who was the First Archbishop to crown a King which was in Bath. Dunstain born in Baltonsburgh and lived in Glastonbury. There will be a procession through the High Street to St John’s Church where they will be greeted by a trumpet fanfare.

The Coronation Service at St Mary’s Church Batcome will take place from 11am-12pm. At 1.30pm there will be a Coronation picnic in the Jubilee Hall. 

St Andrew’s Church, Minehead are holding a ‘bring and share’ Coronation Big Lunch.

Monday 8 May 

Batcombe are organising The Big Help Out between 12 and 2pm (litter-picking, sign cleaning, tidying & planting Coronation roses).

Dont forget to email the Communications Team with news of the activities your church community has planned for the Coronation weekend. 

27th April 2023
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