Church services, celebrations and cakes galore as communities celebrate

St John's Yeovil flower display and lunch

Church communities across Bath and Wells came together over the weekend to celebrate HRH the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Many churches gathered to watch the service of celebration at St Paul’s on Friday, but there was much more besides. There were cakes galore, bouncy castle, royal-themed crafts, creative flower displays to name but a few.

A few examples of what our churches got up to can be seen below, or take a look at Platinum Jubilee Twitter moment, with some of our favourite Tweets from the weekend of celebrations.


St Paul's, Weston-super-Mare was one of the churches who joined to watch the service at the other St Paul's, there was also much fun to be had in their weekend of celebrations which was attended by 100s, raising £1,400 for Tearfund’s Ukraine Appeal in the process. 

St Pauls Weston watching the jubilee service   Vicar gets sponged at WsM   A Pentecost service rounded off the weekend

1. St Paul's watching St Paul's   2. Fun and games at St Paul's, Weston-super-Mare   3. A Pentecost service finale

It was a floral celebration at Pitney, with a display themed around 70 years of television during the Queen's reign.

A floral crown centepiece  The Good Life floral display   The Repair Shop Floral display

1. The Crown Jewel of the display  2. The Good Life: a fitting floral tribute   3. The Repair Shop: a modern success story

St Andrew's Minehead hosted a number of outreach events, including a 1940s tea party.

Volunteers at St Andrews Minehead   Children enjoy crafts at St Andrew's Minehead   

1. Volunteers got into the Jubilee spirit    2. Children crafting crowns   3. Ready for the celebrations

St Thomas', Wells hosted a community fun day.

St Thomas' gathered to watch the St Paul's service   Cakes galore at St Thomas'   Rev Claire tests the bouncy castle

1. Watching the service   2. Just a few cakes to enjoy   3. Revd Claire tests out the bouncy castle

Churches across the diocese were suitably decorated for the celebrations.


St John's Yeovil gathering with floral display   St Cuthberts interior decorated with bunting   Union Jacks galore at St Peter's Westfield

1. St John's, Yeovil 2. St Cuthbert's, Wells 3. St Peter's, Westfield

6th June 2022
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