Each year, on the first Friday of March, Christians from all over the world celebrate the World Day of Prayer. As with the rising of the sun, this wave of prayer begins with the first light of day in the Pacific and then spreads through the world. This year, the World day of Prayer focus for St Michael's, St Andrew's and St Peters' in Minehead was on the Cook islands in the Pacific.
Philip and Michelle Butcher, Associate Vicars for the Minehead churches, "We shared in words of welcome, prayers and songs in the Moari (the main language of the Cook Islands), we heard stories, and learnt more about their country through pictures, information and displays in Church. We also celebrated our world wide faith through songs and prayers from other countries, and through the many wonderful clothes, flowers and fruits and refreshments that brought such colour and flavour into our special service.
"We shared together in the words of Psalm 139 - We are fearfully and wonderfully made. What a celebration!
"Kia Orana! May you live long. May you live well. May you shine like the sun. May you dance with the waves. Kia Orana!"