CTE Presidents issue a joint statement in response to recent violent disorder

7th August 2024

The Presidents of Churches Together in England, including the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby,  have issued a statement calling on churches and communities to work together to end racism, division and disorder. They write:

We are grateful for the immediate response from Churches Together Merseyside Region, committing to support the grieving people of Southport in the wake of the killing of three children and serious injury of others, some of who remain in a critical condition. We are grateful for the ongoing support local churches and other organisations offer those directly affected by these life-changing events. We continue to hold all concerned in our prayers.

In the wake of the terrible events in Southport, we acknowledge the anger felt by many at these senseless killings. We also acknowledge deep and troubling anxiety about immigration. Regrettably, we have witnessed violent, racist attacks and intimidation on our streets. Mosques have been attacked, hotels housing people seeking asylum set on fire and individuals set upon simply because of the colour of their skin. Racism has no place on our streets or in society and should not be stirred up in communities or online. The police have faced unacceptable levels of violent disorder and rioting in their quest to keep the peace on the streets. We are grateful for the work of the emergency services who put themselves in danger to protect the public. We are grateful for communities who have come together to help with the clear up, demonstrating a determination to serve the good of all.

We are also grateful to the many local churches across the country who provide a place of worship and sanctuary for people and who help build stronger communities through action at the grassroots level, including initiatives like Street Pastors and Response Pastors. Let us all work together to put an end to this violent disorder, restore peace and heal our nation.


In Bath and Wells let us come together to pray, 

Loving God, in this time of unrest we pray for peace in our communities and our country. May we all stand together as people of faith, respecting one another and celebrating our diversity. Amen.

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