Diocesan Synod

Diocesan Synod began with a video message from Bishop Michael who spoke of how much he is looking forward to moving to Bath and Wells.

In her address to Diocesan Synod, Bishop Ruth spoke about change, she said. ‘Some people warm to new possibilities and enjoy the prospect of the unknown.  However, many of us struggle with change and transition.  We prefer the familiar, to know what to expect, to be able to plan and prepare.  These last few years have been particularly hard therefore with the amount of change we have had to handle both within the world and in the Church.’

Bishop Ruth also quoted from the charge given to Bishop Michael by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in which he also spoke of change. She said, ‘Archbishop Justin’s words were calling Bishop Michael to encourage each of us to be courageous, confident, and bold in sharing the good news of Christ and in building the kingdom of God.’ You can download Bishop Ruth’s Presidential Address from the bottom of this page. Archbishop Justin’s full charge can be found on the diocesan website.

Synod also heard an update on Safeguarding in Bath and Wells from Ben Goodhind, Diocesan Safeguarding Manager and passed a motion proposed by Theodoreson, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance “That the Trustees’ and Directors’ Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2021 be received.”


Bishop Ruth's Presidential Address

19th July 2022
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