A paper to due to be presented to General Synod by Bishop Michael on behalf of Bishop Richard of Hereford on Friday 14 February, has been adjourned.
In the paper Synod was to be asked to:
- call upon the Church Commissioners and Archbishops Council to undertake everything necessary to effect a redistribution of financial resources directly to Diocesan Stipend Funds to reflect the value of contributions made by Diocesan Boards of Finance to the Church of England Funded Pension Scheme since it was established by the settlement of 1997 (£2.6 billion); and
- call upon Diocesan Boards of Finance to manage the funds redistributed as a result of the above to support parish ministry in the ways discerned locally to be most effective in enabling growth and sustaining the Church of England's commitment to be a Christian presence in every community.’
Due to the overrun of previous items of Synod business, insufficient time was left available to give this motion proper consideration. Hence Bishop Michael proposed a motion requesting an adjournment so that the next Synod in July can fully address the serious concerns raised.
Speaking to Synod Bishop Michael said,
“This motion sought to bring to our serious consideration the utterly grave financial situation our of parishes and dioceses, which are affecting so badly our ability to staff and take forward the ministry of our churches. 35 dioceses were in deficit at end of last year to a total of £61 million. Our financial situation is having a catastrophic effect on our mission and ministry, and our church's financial architecture is not working and is bringing us close to an existential crisis.
“I would that we had been afforded proper time to discuss this. However, I will not disrespect Synod by asking you to take forward this debate in these circumstances.
“So, I moved to adjourn, requesting in the strongest possible terms that the Business Committee make proper time for this motion to be discussed when next we meet in York. Before then, the dioceses who have voted for this motion will be engaging with the Archbishop's Council and the Triennium Funding Working Group.”
The motion was carried unanimously.
You can watch a recording of the live stream from Friday's General Synod on YouTube