Diocese reshapes its support teams

The aim of the reshaping exercise is to ensure there is a staffing structure in shape to support the diocese’s vision of Living and Telling the Story and deliver against its priorities of putting mission and evangelism at the heart of all it does, aligning resources towards mission and to identify, develop and release the gifts of all people. This work is being taken forward through our focus on Everyday Faith, Growing Faith, Discerning Ministries and Achieving Carbon Neutrality, with a focus on local delivery of support to deaneries, parishes and schools that meet the local needs.

Work on reshaping the structure has already begun and a new post of Head of Mission Support and Ministry Development has been created, which combines the previous posts of Head of Ministry for Mission and Head of Strategic Programme. Charlie Peer, current Head of Strategic Programme for the diocese takes up the new role, while Jane Chamberlain leaves her post as Head of Ministry for Mission and Training Team Leader.

Charlie Peer joined the diocese in 2016 as Strategic Programme Manager, a new role created to promote and implement the new diocesan vision and strategy, while also having responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Ministry for Mission team for a time. He joined Bath and Wells from the Diocese of Portsmouth where he served as Mission Development Officer with responsibility for promoting a culture of mission across the diocese by engaging with parishes, deaneries and diocesan bodies.

Commenting on the appointment, Bishop Ruth said, “During his time as Strategic Programme Manager Charlie has continued to drive forward our diocesan strategy, which most recently has seen him developing our approach to ministry following the publication of the Deployment Report. We look forward to the leadership he will bring in further developing an approach to ministry that will help us to liberate the gifts of all; and in shaping the support team in bringing further focus to parish, deanery and archdeaconry collaboration.”

Jane was interviewed for the new Head of Mission Support and Ministry Development post. She felt a strong sense of commitment and call to the post but was unsuccessful at interview and, in the circumstances, felt that it was appropriate to move on so that the diocese can continue with the restructure. Jane wishes the diocese and Charlie all the best for their future work.

Bishop Ruth said, “Jane has been a great gift to the diocese, contributing her strategic insight, wisdom and passion in all that she has given at parish and deanery level; within the Flourish House team; and as a much-valued member of the Bishops’ Staff team too.  We shall miss her immensely and our prayers and love go with her into whatever the Lord calls her to next.”

Work on the reshaping of the Support Services team continues throughout the summer with the aim of finalising the new structure in the autumn.

3rd August 2021
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