Facing our financial challenges together in 2023

Bishop Michael has written to all parishes in the diocese to share the latest financial position of the diocese and to stress the vital role that parishes play in enabling mission and ministry across the diocese, through all the work done including meeting their parish share contributions to our Common Fund.

As Bishop Michael said in his letter, “Over the past few years, we have made some painful decisions to fill the gap in our finances. Around £320,000 annually has been saved by reducing our support services offered to parishes, schools and chaplaincies. During the coming years, a further £450,000 of net savings will be made each year by reducing the number of stipendiary clergy posts in parishes around the diocese from 178 to 150. Difficult though these decisions have been, they are not a long, or even mid-term, solution and I am therefore contacting all parishes to remind them of the importance of their contribution to the Common Fund.  

“Receiving contributions from parishes all around our diocese will ensure we are able to pay our stipendiary clergy and fund support to all our parishes, schools and chaplaincies. Unless all of us act together, the current situation will begin very negatively to affect us all – both locally in your parish and the wider diocese.” 

He continued, “I do not underestimate the magnitude of the ask I am making. However, I would not be fulfilling my duties as your bishop if I failed to make clear to everyone that unless we can return our common finances back to stability, the prospects for our maintaining and supporting the Church we love across our Diocese of Bath and Wells are bleak.” 

Bishop Michael also reminded parishes of the support that is available to them from both the Finance team and the Giving and Funding team. 

He concluded, “We are seeking to address not only our short-term financial needs but these bigger questions too. With my arrival as bishop, we are renewing and revitaliszing our vision for the life and ministry of our parishes, schools and chaplaincies and this autumn Bishop Ruth and I will be visiting deaneries to discuss with members of parishes this longer-term work.” 

The letters were sent with an infographic outlining the current financial position which you can download here. 


10th June 2023
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