Facing the financial challenges together

Following the approval by Synod of an approach to help us return to financial sustainability, Ian Theodoreson, Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance has written to all clergy, treasurers and officers to explain some of the background and underlying issues we are facing. There are also some materials to help facilitate discussions on the topic in the parishes.

Ian says, "All of us individuals, parishes, deaneries and the Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) are experiencing real financial pressures and we need to find our way through it together.

"The situation is beginning to improve but it is recognised that it will take some time for parishes to recover their historic ability to give and in the meantime we need to make some tough decisions. We feel it is very important to be open and transparent about the challenges we face and I would encourage parishes to discuss the issues we raise. We welcome your reflections on the way forward, as we work on it together."

Along with the letter a video featuring Ian, then Diocesan Lay Chair and Bishop Ruth in conversation about the financial challenges as well as an infographic summarising the current position and the steps being taken to address them.

A Diocesan Day of Prayer is planned for Thursday 30 June. It will be an opportunity to gather together, or individually, to pray for Bishop Michael as he prepares for his new role as the Bishop of Bath and wells, and to pray for ourselves. The Bishops’ Staff team along with Council and Synod have agreed to make time to pray in response to the financial challenges the Church faces. Bishop Ruth said, "The Day of Prayer will also be an opportunity to consider the generosity and abundance of God’s grace and gifts to us alongside the need for us to face the future with realism and hope."


A letter from  Ian Theodoreson Chair of the DBF

Watch the finance video

Download the infographic

Information about how much does a stipendiary priest costs? 

31st May 2022
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