Join us at the on-line public meeting about our new bishop

As part of the process to identify the next Bishop of Bath & Wells, the diocese will be holding a public meeting and webinar on Zoom at 7.00pm on Monday, 20 September.

The Archbishops’ Appointments & Vocations Adviser and the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary will be present to talk about the process for appointing our next Bishop, and to hear reflections on the priorities for our next bishop and the qualities people in the diocese would like to see in the person appointed.

Simon Hill, Archdeacon of Taunton and Chair of the Vacancy in See Committee, the body who will prepare the Statement of Needs (the document which outlines what the diocese is looking for in a new bishop), says: “This public meeting is an important opportunity for people from across the communities of the diocese, from within the Church of England and beyond, to contribute their views on what our next Bishop of Bath & Wells will need to bring to the role.

“Please register to join the webinar, using the link below, and share this information and share with anyone who you think may be interested.”

Register to join the Zoom webinar

The public consultation is the latest opportunity for people across the diocese to share their hopes for the next Bishop of Bath and Wells. Already around 1,500 people – including children, young people - have shared their views following an online consultation in the summer. Anyone who cannot be present but would like their views to be fed in to the Archbishops’ Appointments & Vocations Adviser and the Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary should email by 23 September.

8th September 2021
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