Joyous reopening at All Saints Weston in Bath

16th October 2024

More than 300 people gathered at All Saints Church in Weston, Bath to celebrate the re-opening of the church building following the completion of a £2 million refurbishment. Bishop Michael the Deputy Mayor of Bath, Councillor Ruth Malloy and MP Wera Hobhouse were among many special guests who joined the festivities.

The congregation are thrilled to be back in the transformed building after a year of closure and 12 years of planning and preparation. 

Rector of All Saints, Revd Tom Yacomeni said, ‘The transformation has been spectacular. We now have a wonderful space for all sorts of events which is a beautiful blend of the contemporary and the historic. Everyone who sees it loves it and we have already hosted a big concert, seen a new baby and toddlers group starting, and community groups such as Alzheimers are booking the church regularly. Our vision is for it to be used for many more community activities as well as regular church services.’

Over the past 7 years Church members have donated two thirds (£1.3M) of the money required for the refurbishment. But during that time they have also given more than £600,000 to other churches, charities and agencies in the UK and abroad. ‘People have been fantastically generous’ said Tom Peryer, the Project Director, ‘especially when you consider the tough times we have all had in recent years.’

After the service, which featured a big key to the original church door being symbolically passed down a line of ten generations from a 99-year-old to an 8-month-old, 125 people sat down to a celebration lunch in the church with another 125 seated in the All Saints Church Centre. 

Bishop Michael said ‘It was so good to be part of a day that utterly exuded joy – thank you to all who worked together to enable such a lovely reflection of all that’s been achieved. The hospitality after the service was an absolute tour de force and I felt privileged to be a part of it.’

Wera Hobhouse MP said of the event: ‘This has been the most fantastic community effort to refurbish All Saints Church. The official opening was a wonderful celebration that saw the whole community come together. It is now a space fit for the future – putting accessibility, inclusivity and community-use at the heart of the church. What a terrific achievement to raise over £2 million for such an important project. Thank you to all who came to mark the special occasion.’

Details of all services and activities at All Saints Weston can be found on the All Saints website. 

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