Marriage registration changes

Changes to the way in which marriages are registered began on 4 May 2021.  The government has introduced a single electronic marriage register to make the system simpler and more efficient. The new registration process will enable all marriages to be recorded and stored online. These regulations to amend the Marriage Act mark the biggest changes to the marriage registration system since 1837. As the changes were being considered, it was also an opportunity for the General Register Office (GRO) to enable the details of mothers to be included on the marriage certificate for the first time. 

It means the paperwork will be a little different for clergy and administrators.

The Church of England resource hub has details about the changes, how this will impact on the paperwork for marriages, help to guide you through the new process and signpost you to information, official guidance and resources to help you with the transition. You can also watch 

  • The revised Guidebook for the Clergy is available now on the Government website
  • New Church Marriage Record books are now available to order from Church House Publishing. You don’t have to buy these – you can use your own record book if you wish – but the Church House Publishing product is fully compliant with all the requirements for this record-keeping.
  • You can now pre-order an (optional) commemorative keepsake of the marriage for couples to take away on the day. You can see the design and delivery dates at Church House Publishing
  • If you’d prefer there is also a black white version of the keepsake card which you can download for free,.
  • If you would like to mark the closing of the old Marriage Registers in some way after 4 May, you may find the brief outline of prayers and thanksgiving  at the Closing of the Marriage Registers helpful.
6th May 2021
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