New housing guide for clergy

A new A-Z guide for those living in clergy housing is now available on the diocesan website. The guide is introduced by Bishop Ruth and Dr Axel Palmer, Chair of the diocese’s Housing Committee.

The guide contains the information needed to clarify the responsibilities of living in a clergy home and to help clergy and their family enjoy their home.

Bishop Ruth says, “Living in a clergy house is quite different from being in rented accommodation. It may not be a home that the clergy and their family has chosen but it is a home and a base for ministry for a time, which will then be passed on to their successor.”

The guide includes information on everything from alarms and alterations to washing lines and warranties. It also contains emergency contact information and the contact details of the property team.

It can be downloaded from the Clergy Housing page on the diocesan website or viewed online on the Diocese of Bath and Wells Issuu page.

16th September 2021
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