A new year message from Bishop Ruth

Bishop Ruth outside Wells Cathedral

The light of a star to guide us

What will 2022 bring I wonder? Two years ago Covid was just a vague murmur coming from the East. How could we have known it would have such an impact or for so long?

How might this year be different? Well, there is much to look forward to. We expect to have a new diocesan bishop joining us. We will be celebrating 70 years of the Queen’s reign. The World Cup is on… and we have a chance! And then there are all the other excitements of anniversaries, milestones and hopes and dreams we all have.

As we begin this new year my mind turns to those Eastern travellers long ago who saw a star in the sky, set out on an uncharted journey which took maybe up to two years, and eventually found a King. Not the sort of king expected but One who opened up new horizons for the whole world. One who offers us love, forgiveness and a way back to God.

At this time when we are asking questions that search for deeper meaning, this seems a story which resonates. What sort of journey will you take this year? At a recent clergy pre-Advent retreat we were reminded that it is not so much us walking with God but rather God walking with us. So, no matter what twists and turns the road takes, or even if we slip from following in God’s Way, He will never give up on us and will never let us walk alone.

This year, as last, we shall be seeking to dwell on some words from scripture and allow them to permeate into our being. The following verses from that passage, seem to offer us the light of a star to guide us as we navigate our journey in the year to come.

‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'  Philippians 4: 4-7 

May you know God’s presence and grace as He walks with you into this New Year!
With love

 Bishop Ruth

20th December 2021
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