Inspiring exhibition at Shepton Mallet church

‘The Gleaning’ exhibition and installation at St Peter and St Paul's Church, Shepton Mallet, was an inclusive and co-operative community arts project. It was open to the public for two and a half weeks and, in addition to the beautiful art display, it featured many inspiring events.

‘The Gleaning’ was co-curated by Pioneer Priest in the Arts for Bath and Wells Gill Sakakini and visual artist, educator and curator Fiona Campbell, and it formed part of the Somerset Arts Weeks.

Visitors to 'The Gleaning' were offered a full programme of events by the co-curators. Gill and Fiona led numerous workshops and gave Artist's Talks. Many gathered for candle-lit 'Vespers' (creative sung evening prayer) with reflections on the art panels. A creative duo called 'Encounter' gave six live performances of The Story of Ruth in the Market Place in Shepton Mallet and in a local school. On Saturday night 'East of Meon', a Latino jazz band, gave a concert with pieces that linked with themes of The Gleaning such as climate justice, sustainability and harvest. On the final weekend 'Song and Celebration' gave young people an opportunity to perform to an audience, something that had been disrupted by the pandemic. All was rounded off by 'Evening at The Gleaning' where poets and musicians shared their own responses to the exhibition.

Photo by Jenny Short Photo by Jenny Short Photo by Jenny Short

21st October 2022
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