The Ordination of Deacons in Bath and Wells

Wells Cathedral was filled with family, friends and supporters for The Ordination of Deacons at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 2 October. It was the first time since the pandemic that there were no restrictions on the numbers able to come and celebrate together.

11 were ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Taunton, the Rt Rev Ruth Worsley. In her charge to the new deacons, Bishop Ruth said, "You will have given much thought to the words of the ordinal about what a deacon is called to do. I know that you will have been struck by the challenge to reach into the forgotten corners of the world that the love of God may be made visible. I have encouraged you to reflect on what are the forgotten or hidden corners in your own experience, and to step into those places.... to step out of your comfort zones and see what you might discover." You can read Bishop Ruth's full charge at the bottom of this page.

Meet our 11 new deacons who will serve their curacies in:

Please pray for all those ordained and for those who have supported them in their life and ministry so far.


Photographs from the ordination can be seen on the Bath and Wells Facebook page.


Bishop Ruth’s Deacon’s Ordination Charge Michaelmas 2022

27th September 2022
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