Diocese commits to learn the lessons of the past as PCR2 published

The Church of England has today published the findings of the national Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2). The Diocese of Bath and Wells, along with dioceses across the country, has shared a summary of its report. The diocese has already started to action the recommendations in the report and continues to strive to be a safer church for all.

The aim of the Church of England Past Cases Review 2 was to ensure that any files that could contain information regarding a concern, allegation or conviction in relation to abusive behaviour by a living member of the clergy or church officer (whether still in position or not) were identified, read and analysed by independent safeguarding professionals.

Commenting on the PCR2 review in Bath and Wells, Bishop Michael says, “The independent review of all past cases of concern or allegations has proved to be an invaluable process. Most importantly, it has allowed us to reach out to survivors who have been failed in the past to apologise to them – and to address those failings. I would like to thank those survivors for their bravery in sharing their stories with us. By doing so they are helping us to move forward and be a safe church for all.

“The report has identified some important lessons for us to learn and we have already started to implement the recommendations. The past cases review may be complete but our commitment to safeguarding is ongoing and unwavering. I would always ask anyone with concerns, past or present, to report those concerns to us directly or via other support networks.”

In Bath and Wells, every file which may contain safeguarding concerns dating back to the 1950s was reviewed. In all 3,063 files were reviewed by the independent assessors. Of the files reviewed, 175 were flagged as requiring further action. These actions ranged from practical failings such as locating missing paperwork or removing file duplications to more serious safeguarding concerns, such as case management issues.

Regardless of the nature of the concern raised, each of the 175 files were subjected to further review and, if appropriate, were investigated by the diocese’s dedicated PCR2 caseworker, a former police detective with extensive safeguarding experience. One respondent contacted as part of the investigation commented that she was ‘glad to be given the opportunity to write a report to the Church of England to help put its house in order and build a stronger framework for safeguarding.’

In all, 16 new safeguarding cases were identified, and six cases were referred by the Diocese of Bath and Wells to statutory bodies, including the police and Children’s Social Services. None of the statutory bodies has taken any further action with these cases.

Download an executive summary of the Diocese of Bath and Wells PCR2 report
Find out more about the Church of England's Past Cases Review (2)

Finding support

If you or anyone you are in contact with are affected by the publication of this report and want to talk to someone independently please call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056 or visit www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk

Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Diocese of Bath and Wells safeguarding team. 

5th October 2022
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