Prayer services in support of refugees from Ukraine

Taunton Minster is to host a series of special services for Ukrainian families and their supporters who live in the Taunton area. It's hoped the services will provide a regular opportunity for people in the town as well as those who have come from Ukraine to come together to pray, and reflect on the conflict and its impact on the people caught up in it. 

More than a quarter of the Ukrainian population has been displaced since the conflict began, mainy into Western Europe.  Around 100 Ukrainian families are being hosted in the greater Taunton area and more are expected to arrive in the coming weeks.

Revd. Tobie Osmond, vicar at the Minster, says: “We are going to do a weekly service each Thursday at midday and possibly a monthly evening service if it is called for.  We are calling it a Memorial Service for Ukraine for families and supporters who have lost loved ones but haven’t been able to attend funerals.  There will be prayers for those who mourn and for peace.  I am really hoping that through our contacts with CHARIS and other local refugee charities Ukrainians will be able to say some prayers in their home tongue, at least the Lord’s Prayer, but hopefully more.  There will also be opportunities to light candles for those that are being remembered”.

All are welcome. The first service at the Minster will be at noon on the 14 July.


7th July 2022
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