Each pupil at Old Cleeve Church of England First School has been given a tree sapling to plant along the Steam Coast Trail as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy marking her Platinum Jubilee. Each tree will be named after the child who planted it. Over time they hope to add more trees, these will be planted and named by the new pupils who join the school.
The trees, donated by the Woodland Trust, are the latest in a long line of eco projects undertaken by the school and which are led by the school's caretaker, Keith Hunt. With encouragement and support from Keith pupils have been working hard to make their school more environmentally friendly by taking weekly electricity readings and thinking about ways to reduce the school's usage and cost.
And Keith who is a ‘Litter Heroes Ambassador’ for Keep Britain Tidy, has taught the pupils all about recycling. He said, “It’s the ideal age to get them involved in this and they go home and organise their parents about recycling, and encourage their families to switch the lights off when they’re not needed. It’s their future that we’re looking at.” It's a message many of the children have also taken home with them, they are now encouraging their parents to recycle more.
With Keith’s help the children have formed an eco-committee. He hopes that in time the pupils will run it themselves. “In my time in this world I want to know that I’ve made that difference for the children’s future and the future of the planet as well. I want to know that I left it the best way that I could.”