Safeguarding Christmas Newsletter

This month’s newsletter contains details of the safeguarding survey which is part of March's Safeguarding Audit of Bath and Wells. The survey has now been opened by the auditors INEQE, and we are asking people across the diocese, including yourselves, to engage with it. The newsletter contains more information about the survey and includes links so that you can easily access it.

There is also information about the introduction of a new central phone line for the safeguarding team rather than individual staff numbers which is due to come into effect from the new year and there is news of Parish Safeguarding Officers event planned by Bishop Michael for May and June next year at the Bishop's Palace.

As this is the Christmas edition the newsletter also has important information about the out of hours cover available over the Christmas period when the office is closed.


Safeguarding Christmas Newsletter 2024

5th December 2024
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