Safeguarding Leadership training course improved

Following a successful trial, a new Safeguarding Leadership training course is now being offered by the Safeguarding team. The course has been developed to recognise the unique role of those with Permission to Officiate (PTO) following feedback from PTO clergy.

Completion of the Safeguarding Leadership training is a requirement for all those in a leadership role in their parish, who should already have completed the Awareness and Foundation safeguarding courses. This includes all licenced clergy, Readers, PTO clergy, PTO Readers, Parish Safeguarding Officers, Pioneer ministers and Chaplains. 
One of the pilot course attendees said, “I want to start by expressing much appreciation to those who shaped and prepared the training session and those who delivered what proved to be a most stimulating – and at times challenging – event. It was most helpful to have the opportunity, prior to meeting, to engage with material that provided a mental focus to the issues that subsequently emerged.”

Ben Goodhind, Safeguarding Manager says, “We are continually looking to improve our training offering and when we received feedback from those with PTO regarding the previous training, we were more than happy to revisit the course to ensure it met their needs, while ensuring it provided the depth of safeguarding knowledge required of anyone in a leadership position. Anyone with PTO who would like to keep their licence does need to complete the Safeguarding Leadership Training course and I am very pleased they can now do so confident that the course is appropriate for their role.”

He concluded, “Now that this course is embedded in our training programme we are looking at offering a pilot of a course that similarly reflects the chaplaincy role.”

To find the programme of Safeguarding training courses go to the diocesan website’s calendar and select ‘Safeguarding’ from the drop-down menu.

25th May 2023
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