Safeguarding newsletter: January 2023

Ben Goodhind, Safeguarding Manager for the Diocese of Bath and Wells has shared his January newsletter for Parish Safeguarding Officers and all those who want to keep up to date with the latest news from the safeguarding team. 

In the newsletter Ben outlines plans for the future. He says, “From a safeguarding perspective we are launching a 3-year Safeguarding Strategy to continue to develop and improve the service we offer. Across all workstreams from safer recruitment, training, casework and responding to concerns we are setting ambitious objectives to create a modern and impactful provision.I’m sure you would have noticed a lot of changes over the past year both from a staffing and service provision and we will continue to do all we can to support you all.”

The newsletter details changes to the out of hours cover. Previously this has been provided by the Diocesan Safeguarding Manager, which Ben says, “can be very impactful for the role, especially as I have a young family.” A new agreement with the independent Christian safeguarding organisation, thirtyone:eight (who were the organisation behind the Safeguarding Sunday campaign) means that from February they will provide out of hours cover via a dedicated call centre. This will cover the hours between 5pm and 12pm every weekday evening, 7am and 12pm on the weekend and will also cover bank holidays and the Christmas Holidays. You can find out more about the helpline on the thirtyone:eight website. 

The newsletter also shares news of the updated Safeguarding section of the Bath and Wells website which has a resources area that now includes a downloadable ‘Promoting a Safer Church' poster as well as a printable business card with key contact information. Ben would appreciate any feedback you have regarding these new resources.

Details of changes to the safeguarding team are outlined in the newsletter. Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Andy Duncan,is leaving to take up a new role with the Care Quality Commission. Andy leaves on 24 February. The diocese is now advertising for a new Safeguarding Caseworker. 

Download Ben’s newsletter below to catch up with all the safeguarding news.


Safeguarding January newsletter

Past Safeguarding newsletters

December 2022

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27th January 2023
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