Safeguarding Newsletter September 2023

The latest update from the Safeguarding team talks about Parish Safeguarding Officer wellbeing. Ben Goodhind, Safeguarding Manager, says, “I wanted to assure you that if you find the role tough at any time, we are here to support you. This may be through providing you with space for a debrief, an informal chat over a cup of coffee or, if needed, access to counselling. Please know that you can contact myself or a member of my team for support and a non-judgemental sympathetic ear. The most rewarding part of what we do is supporting you.”

Ben also shares news of Safeguarding Sunday which this year takes place on 19 November. He is encouraging churches to use it as an opportunity to celebrate all that your parish does to protect children and vulnerable adults and is asking for volunteers who can promote the event on their websites and social media streams. 

Download and read the September Newsletter

5th September 2023
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