Safeguarding Sunday: a time to pray and reflect

Safeguarding in Bath and Wells

This year's Safeguarding Sunday takes place on Sunday, 20 November. In Bath and Wells we would like every church to reflect on safeguarding in their service on this date. You can register your safeguarding service on the ThirtyOne:Eight website and download a free resource pack.

Ben Goodhind, Safeguarding Manager for the Diocese of Bath and Wells said, "We would like all of our churches to reflect on safeguarding within their service on Sunday, 20 November and in particular to give thanks to those who volunteer within the parish to do this important work, which is often unseen. You could ask your Parish Safeguarding Officer to read the Safeguarding Prayer and use that as an opportunity for everyone to see who they are or perhaps share a reflection on why safeguarding is so important to you."

The Safeguarding Sunday Prayer 2022

Dear God,
Help us to be a church that:
Loves, welcomes, protects.
Listens, learns, serves.
Repents, restores, transforms.
Values, cares, believes.
God of justice and compassion, hear our prayer.
Help us, heal us, guide us, we pray.
In Jesus name.

Ben joined the diocese in September 2021 from the probation service. He issues a regular newsletter which you can find on the Safeguarding page.

27th September 2022
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