Seven new pupil chaplains from St John’s Church of England Primary School in Wellington were commissioned by Rev. Mike Haslam, Diocesan Chaplaincy Adviser, during the school’s harvest service in St John’s Church. Each child received a cross and a chaplaincy tabard and made a promise to ‘care for people and to live and tell stories of God’s love’.
The pupil chaplains, who volunteered for the role and had special training, want to try to live by the school values, listen to others and be helpful to them, and find out more about the stories of the Christian faith. They have made promises to pray, learn about and share God’s love, in the playground and all around the school. (The full promises written by the children can are below.)
Supported by their own school chaplain, they hope to plan and prepare Collective Worship and community events, help on the playground, and take part in assemblies. Previous pupil chaplains are very positive about the experience, commenting: ‘I am more mature;’ and ‘my favourite part about being a chaplain is working with the community.’
Mike Haslam, Chaplaincy Adviser, has said: ‘The appointment of pupil chaplains, brilliantly supported by the school chaplain, is a wonderful example of raising up new Christian leaders within their community and growing and learning together. It is an exciting new expression of Christian life within a flourishing Church of England Primary School.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about pupil chaplaincy, Email Mike Haslam
The pupil chaplaincy promises, written by the children themselves.
As pupil chaplains, we will do our best:
- To speak of God’s name respectfully
- To pray at least once a week
- To respect others and treat people equally
- To be brave and be the best version of yourself that you can
- To help and comfort people
- To help lead assemblies and services and share the stories of God
- To continue to learn about God and God’s world