Sing for the King

Sing for the King they did in full voice and in large numbers at St Andrew’s Church in Minehead. The special Coronation celebration was held in the church to mark the historic national event and to give thanks and pray for His Majesty King Charles III. Bunting was put up around the church and the whole community was invited to join in.

Revd Andrew Hazlewood, a retired member of clergy who is supporting the St Andrew’s parish, organised the event. “We felt that the Coronation is a major event in the life of our nation, so it is important that we should be praying for King Charles and for our community and country.

“As the main service on fifth Sundays are non-eucharistic in our monthly schedule, it seemed an excellent opportunity for a service accessible to those who are not used to attending church, as well as regulars.”

Four local groups were represented at the service; Minehead Shed, RNLI, Hope Centre which supports those who are homeless and the Defib Group. The Sing for the King included the hymns Praise my Soul, Brother Sister Let Me Serve and ended with the National Athem.” 

Revd Andrew said of the service, "It was great to be able to focus on King Charles, our nation, and our local community in the same service, and to pray for them all," said Revd Andrew Hazlewood. "So we were delighted that community organisations accepted our invitation to participate in the service."

Church Warden, Bill Griffiths said everyone enjoyed the occasion, “It was very enjoyable and relaxed and was a great starting point for all our celebrations which take place on the Coronation weekend itself.” 

This weekend St Andrews will be live streaming the Coronation on a big screen so that people can watch it with their friends and enjoy a cup of tea together. Saturday afternoon a high tea is planned and a party with games, dressing up and memories. On Sunday there is a ‘bring a chair lunch’.
If you have Coronation activities taking place we’d love to hear about them please email the Comms Team. 

4th May 2023
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